Hearing his experience with his newfound adventure is very intriguing. He and his wife have sacrificed a lot to make things work with their goals. They may not be were they are business wise but they have grown/learned a lot with this experience. They took a big risk and have seen some fruit being harvested. It may not be monetary gain but its something you can't put a price on. I hope they do succeed money wise but I'm impressed with how much they've endured and how this has made them stronger. One last thing...I read a post on a blog called the Modesty Writers Guild. The author echoes some great thoughts on taking risks. Here is the tidbit that made me think more about this:
but whats the worst that could happen? honestly. who cares if people say no, at the end of the day what does it matter? rejection doesn’t hurt so bad when you look back in time and analyze all the success that simply asking will gain you.Stephen Christian (Modesty Writers Guild)
so this upcoming year all i am asking is that you simply try. i know it sounds easy, but its not because sometimes it hurts to hear no. but what if, just what if there is a yes to be found amongst the no.
take a chance as ask him/her, talk to your boss about that new position, apply to that college you don’t think you have a chance at, plan that trip and worry about how to get another job to pay for it later, apply to another bigger better job you have always dreamed of, ask that person if they want to start a band, send out your poetry to see if the new yorker will publish it.
what is the worst that could happen, a no? a no from someone you may never see or hear from again? a person that is simply on the other line of the phone that you may never meet? and WHO CARES! life is to short to worry more about rejection than lavish in the possibilities that simply asking a simple question might bring
I will look to take more risks in this new year. No matter if the girl that I'm interested in will say no to a date, I will look forward to actually trying instead of saying "what if?".
1 comment:
Thank you for this post! You've inspired me to write about something very similar to your 'why worry about the risk' philosophy. Check out my blog in a couple of days to see what you helped write. Awesome job and way to challenge people.
~Chais Meyer
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